Dienstag, 9. April 2013

R4i precious metal 3dsそのまま『フード』として使用

R4i precious metal 3dsそのまま『フード』として使用




「福島踏まえ、原発政策の透明性高める」米NRC委員長【ワシントン=柿内公輔】米原子力規制委員会(NRC)のマクファーレン委員長は12日、メリーランド州で講演し、東京電力福島第1原発事故の教訓を踏まえ、透明性の高い開かれた原子力政策を推進する方針を明らかにした。マクファーレン委員長は、昨年12月に福島第1原発事故の現場を視察した際、「いまだにがれきの山と格闘し、損傷した原発の廃炉に取り組む」人々の姿に、「深く心の内を揺さぶられた」と振り返った,モンクレール ジャケット。委員長は、米原発はNRCの指示に基づき、「(安全面で)著しく進展した」としながらも、住民の生活を一変させた福島第1原発事故で、「地球に起きることについて未知の領域もあることを痛感した」とも述べ、原発の安全性強化に一層努める考えを示した,モンクレール ダウン 2013北の「ミサイル部隊」活発化韓国軍が把握【ソウル=加藤達也】韓国の聯合ニュースは29日、複数の韓国軍当局者の話として、北朝鮮の朝鮮人民軍の中長距離ミサイルに関わる部隊で、車両や人の動きが最近活発になっていることを韓国軍が把握したと伝えた,Maar het is probably nog steeds signifiant 1。

R4i old watches plusー 真皮質感なレザーケース

R4i old watches plusー 真皮質感なレザーケース



R4i rare 3dsタイマー

R4i rare 3dsタイマー





Mittwoch, 3. April 2013


r4 ds夕飯を食わずにソイカへ突入だ


なお、お客様の誤購入による返品/交換はお受け致しかねますので、予めご了承ください。※お取り寄せ商品となります。在庫完売の際は、お取寄せ又はキャンセルとなる場合がございますDVD-R PCデータ用4.7GB 1-16X CPRM対応, 旅は自分の想像を超えた物との出会いである


そして、ついにそういうデジカメが出たのである。「EXILIM ZOOM」(EX-Z3)だ。製品としては、カード型のEXILIMと、昨年夏に出たコンパクト機「QV-R4」のおいしいところを合体して、ペンタックスの新型3倍ズームレンズを搭載したカメラ、というのが正しそうだ。







私も前回に続いて参加しました,vorig model。今回は2線3線共用線路をR5・R4の2オーバルに拡張、先日当ブログにて紹介しました改造ワイドポイントを使用して、R5側に待避線も設置、R4との間に連絡線も渡してCS2一台で制御できるようにしましたまた、準備の都合でannさんのR3オーバル(最内周線)ともフィーダー線で接続、結局3オーバルをCS2一台で制御することになりましたしかも、メンバーやゲスト参加者の持ち込み車両の2線/3線の比率から、R5オーバル(外から3番目)を2線で、R4オーバル(外から4番目)は3線で使用することになり、R5/R4間の連絡線に特殊加工した青い線路をはさんで対応しましたCS2からのフィーダー線はR5オーバルのつないでいますので、R5オーバルでは片方にホット、もう片方にグランドの信号が流れていますが、この青い線路をはさむことで、R4オーバルではセンターレールにホット、左右レールにはグランドの信号が流れるようになります。もともとは、フィーダー線をつなぎ変えることなく2線・3線それぞれの車両の走行試験が簡単に行えればいいかな、と思って作ったものです。



矩形波には倍音が多く含まれているため、マルチバイブレータと呼ばれるようになった安定しない回路であり、2つの状態を常に行ったり来たりすることで発振する一方の状態は安定しているが、もう一方は安定しない。安定しない状態になっても、ある一定時間経過すると安定状態に戻る。何らかの外部イベントに対応して一定時間だけ信号を発するような用途で利用できる,zwar bewusst

ご注意下さい。商品の 破損等に関してましては、商品到着後7日間が交換等の対象 となりますので、7日以内に御連絡お願い致します。 送料込サービスに関して(200枚・500枚セット) ※沖縄県及び一部離島等にお・・・・・。



Montag, 18. März 2013

5 NYPD employees arrested in separate incidents

5 NYPD employees arrested in separate incidents

NEW YORK (AP) — Five New York Police Department employees, including three police officers, have been arrested in separate incidents on charges including driving while intoxicated and unlawful surveillance.

Off-duty police officers Joseph King and Dennis Munge were each charged with driving while intoxicated on Sunday in Queens. King was also charged with leaving the scene of an accident and refusing to take a breathalyzer test.

Off-duty NYPD administrative aide Curline Brown was arrested on Saturday in the Bronx and charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance.

Two employees were arrested in the Bronx on Friday. Officer Miguel Gomez was charged with unlawful surveillance.

NYPD traffic agent Denise Johnson was charged with obstructing government administration, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal possession of stolen property.

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    RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. (AP) — She was just 16, a shy girl whose life revolved around school and homework, when the phone call came that would change her life.

    It was Thanksgiving weekend, and Victoria Hu couldn't wait for her father to return from a business trip to China. She missed their family dinners and even their occasional golf games, although she never cared much for the sport. Soccer was her game. Still, like her brother, she enjoyed the time those outings provided with their workaholic father.

    He had been scheduled to arrive the day after Thanksgiving when Victoria's mother got word of a delay. She didn't go into detail but assured her children their father would be home by Christmas.

    A month later, the house trimmed and the children asking incessantly — "When is Dad coming home?" — Victoria learned the truth. Her father, a Chinese-American engineer, had been arrested on charges of stealing Chinese state secrets. He wouldn't be home that Christmas, or for many more.

    That was in 2008. Today, Hu Zhicheng still isn't home, thanks to a bizarre set of legal circumstances that prohibit him from leaving China even though authorities dropped all charges.

    In Shanghai, he lives life as a free man, able to do anything except depart the country. Six thousand miles away in California, his family remains locked in their own emotional prisons: The wife who was left to raise two children alone. The son, just 13 when this started, who speaks bitterly of missing out on father-son moments.

    And the daughter, who spent years yearning for her father's return and now dedicates part of her life to bringing him home.

    "I fight because I believe justice will prevail," she has written, "because this is the right thing to do."


    Until that call four years ago, Victoria and her brother, Richard, had grown up as typical American teenagers. Their days were filled with school, soccer practices and hanging out with friends.

    Their parents, both born in China, met at Tianjin University. After earning doctorates in engineering, the couple moved to the United States in 1989, where Hu did research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Victoria was born in Boston, and Richard three years later in New Jersey, where the family moved after their father took a job doing pioneering work in the development of emission-limiting catalytic converters for automobiles.

    By 2004 Hu was an internationally recognized expert in the field, and he decided to take that expertise back to China. In a place notorious for its horrific smog, he figured to get in on the ground floor helping create cleaner-running automobiles.

    Hu's wife, Hong Li, was leery of the move. She and her husband had become U.S. citizens, and she worried they were too Americanized to fit in back in China. What's more, they no longer had the personal connections, or "guanxi" as the Chinese call it, so valuable to doing business there.

    "But," she adds, "I didn't want to be the (one) who, when the end day comes, he says, 'I had a dream and you didn't let me do it.'"

    At first, things went well. Hu became chief scientist and president of a company trying to build top-grade catalytic converters and was even honored by the province of Jiangsu as one of its leading innovators. Li started her own business supplying materials to the company that employed her husband.

    The children were enrolled in school and began learning about their Chinese heritage. In summer, Li would bring them back to the states to attend academic camps and keep up with English and U.S. culture. In 2007, they were enrolled in a camp at the University of California, Los Angeles, when Li got the first inkling of trouble.

    A business rival had accused her husband of stealing information and providing it to Li's company. Police were asking questions. Hu called his wife in California with a warning: "Don't come back."

    Hu soon returned to the U.S., intent on settling in California with his wife and children. The family found a fixer-upper in Rancho Palos Verdes, a picturesque Los Angeles suburb of rolling hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

    But back in China, police wanted to talk with Hu. His company also wanted him to continue with his research. And so, in November 2008, he returned to his native land for what he thought would be a brief visit.

    On Nov. 28, the day he was supposed to fly back to California, Hu was arrested.


    "I was ... It's hard to explain, even now. I was in shock," Victoria says of learning of her father's arrest.

    For 17 months he was jailed while police investigated. During that time, he and his family say, he was allowed no contact with his wife or children other than the occasional letter. Victoria did her best to boost his spirits.

    "I'll be a sunlight that will warm your heart and I'll be your moonlight guiding you through the dark," she wrote to him behind bars.

    A soft-spoken woman of 20 now, Victoria keeps her emotions in check when talking about her father. But then, as a teenager trying to find her way forward, she poured her feelings into letters to him, and even an essay she wrote for a college application.

    "The stress hit both my health and my schoolwork: I was often sleep-deprived, depressed and irritated," she wrote. "I worried constantly and wondered if he is still alive. ... Although I reacted initially with anger and hopelessness, I realized eventually that I couldn't afford to pity myself. My mom needed my support ... "

    She never doubted her father's innocence. He was an award-winning scientist with nearly 50 patents to his name; she knew he didn't need to steal anybody else's research.

    The Chinese eventually found the same. In April 2010, a Chinese court approved prosecutors' request to withdraw the case against Hu because of a lack of evidence. Hu was released, and made arrangements to leave the country. But when he got to the airport, he learned that as soon as the criminal case was dropped his accuser had filed a patent infringement lawsuit. The government wouldn't let him depart until that was resolved.

    As months turned into years, Hu's wife frantically called the U.S. Embassy in China and wrote letters to her two senators, her congressman and the White House. As she did so, it fell on her daughter to sacrifice her childhood to take care of the family.

    "She helped me cook dinner. She helped me take care of her brother," her mother says. "She used her own money she made from teaching other kids and bought Richard T-shirts and books, and she cut his hair."

    When Li became ill and unable to sleep because of the stress, Victoria cared for her, too.

    At the end of each exhausting day of schoolwork, cooking, cleaning, tutoring and preparing for college, the teenager would fall into bed and often cry herself to sleep.

    In the beginning, neither child said much to friends about their situation. Richard, now 17, still hasn't, although he says he is starting to follow his sister's example and open up. He recently granted an interview to his high school's yearbook staff.

    "It's not the most pleasant thing to talk about," the normally upbeat teenager says dryly. When he sees friends with their dads he says he knows he's missing out on father-son experiences "that would seem pretty important."

    A year ago, with diplomatic efforts to bring her father home failing, Victoria decided to take the case to social media.

    She posted a petition to Change.org that has gathered more than 60,000 signatures, and she started a Facebook page called "Help Victoria's Father Dr. Zhicheng Hu Come Home." The profile picture is a graphic poster of her dad smiling broadly under the words: "Free Dr. Hu."

    She also worked with a friend to create a web novella in which she recounts a brief visit to Shanghai in 2010, after her father's release from prison. Victoria traveled alone; neither her brother nor mother has been back to China. Her mother fears getting trapped there as well, because her husband's accuser implicated her company. Li even missed her own mother's funeral.

    Victoria, meantime, hasn't seen her father since that visit.

    "His hair has grown whiter. He seems frailer," she wrote in the novella. "But when he sees me his smile could light up the sky."


    Last month in Shanghai, the 50-year-old Hu spoke with The Associated Press about his case. He said he believes he is being pressured to make a financial settlement with his well-connected business rival.

    "We still haven't heard anything from the court," he said, adding that under Chinese law the deadline to bring the lawsuit to trial or dismiss it should have passed months ago. Calls by AP to the Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate People's Court, which has delayed ruling on Hu's case but kept the travel restrictions in place, rang unanswered last week.

    As he waits, Hu continues his work with catalytic converters.

    So far, trying to win his return home through diplomatic channels has gone nowhere. At the Hu family's behest, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., attempted to intervene but to no avail.

    "The only thing a congressman can do is take it up with the State Department to ensure they are exercising all of the agreed upon options that they have with China to regularly check on the well-being of a U.S. citizen," says Kathleen Staunton, Rohrabacher's district director.

    The State Department notes on its website that Americans must follow the laws of the country they are in and that, other than making those checks to ensure a person's well-being, there is really nothing else U.S. officials can do.

    "At the end of the day," Victoria says, "China is really indifferent to public opinion."

    And so the Hu family waits. Victoria, Richard and their mother talk with Hu via Skype, although they try to limit calls to special occasions such as Chinese New Year. It's just too hard for Hu to see his wife and children, when he can't be with them.

    With money tight, repairs to the fixer-upper remain undone. The home offers stunning views, but the roof leaks and the heating system is broken.

    Li, 52, earns money with consulting work, helping companies with market research, strategic planning and the occasional engineering project. Richard, now a junior in high school, spends much of his time preparing for college. He's considering a major in electrical engineering, his father's field.

    Although it has often left Victoria angry, her family's ordeal has also made her decide that she should live every day to the fullest. At the University of California, Berkeley, she is a junior majoring in political economy. Because of her father's ordeal, she wants to learn more about the law.

    When not studying, she's taken up drama, horseback riding and martial arts. She works part-time for a small Internet start-up that produces online comics, and she recently tried skydiving.

    And she continues with her efforts to bring her father home.

    As she wrote in her online novella: "I fight because one day my family will all sit down to eat dinner together again."


    Associated Press writer Charles Hutzler in Beijing contributed to this report.

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  • senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

    Cyprus deposit tax rattles markets

    LONDON (AP) — Stocks around the world fell sharply Monday as investors fretted over a weekend plan to tax depositors in Cypriot banks as part of a bailout of the Mediterranean island nation.

    Though Cyprus accounts for only around 0.2 percent of the combined output of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro, the tax on depositors has stoked fears of bank runs in other troubled European economies.

    Since the European debt crisis began in late 2009, savers have been spared. The bailout of Cyprus, agreed to early Saturday, foresees a 6.75 percent levy on deposits below €100,000 ($130,860) rising to 9.9 percent on those above.

    "In the medium term the decision taken regarding the loss on bank deposits could have major ramifications for the eurozone if the European debt crisis re-escalates," said Gary Jenkins, managing director of Swordfish Research. "What I find most surprising is that they are prepared to take such a major gamble to save such a small amount of money."

    In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.8 percent at 6,439 while Germany's DAX fell 1.1 percent to 7,954. The CAC-40 in France was 1.3 percent lower at 7,945. Cyprus' stock exchange is closed for a bank holiday.

    The euro was taking a pounding too, down 0.7 percent at $1.2954.

    People in Cyprus have reacted with fury to the news and the country's new president is apparently working out a new plan to be put to Parliament that will limit the hit on small depositors. Parliament is due to vote on the bailout later. If it backs the levy, then Cyprus would be eligible for a €10 billion ($13 billion) financial rescue from its partners in the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund.

    German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Sunday that a no vote by Cypriot lawmakers would have huge repercussions in the country.

    "Then the Cypriot banks will no longer be solvent, and Cyprus will be in a very difficult situation," said Schaeuble, who insisted that every country involved in Europe's debt crisis is different. In the case of Cyprus, he said bank owners and investors had to participate in the rescue.

    "It can't be done any other way if we want to avoid insolvency," he said.

    Cyprus' banking sector is about eight times the size of the economy and has been accused of being a hub for money-laundering, particularly from Russia. That's why many European officials wanted to have the banks' depositors involved in the cost of the bailout.

    "If European policymakers were looking for a way to undermine the public trust that underpins the foundation of any banking system they could not have done a better job," said Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

    In Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 index slid 2.7 percent to 12,220.63, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 2 percent to 22,082.83.

    Wall Street was headed for a retreat at the open too, with Dow futures down 0.5 percent and the broader S&P 500 futures 0.8 percent lower.

    Oil prices were under pressure, with the benchmark New York rate 94 cents lower at $92.51 a barrel.


    Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this report.

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    *見出しを変えて再送します。【関連記事】 焦点:イタリア総選挙、結果にかかわらず改革困難か イタリア総選挙、中道左派優勢ながら不透明感強いまま投票へ コラム:2013年の欧州、遠心力との戦いに 焦点:オバマ政権の移民制度改革、実現なら米経済底上げも 米ハイテク新興企業、4分の1は移民が起業=報告書







     現時点で今年の4月頃にロケットの試験打ち上げを行い、初夏頃にシグナス補給船を搭載しての打ち上げを行うことが予定されている。sorae.jp編集部【関連記事】 COTS計画にオービタル・サイエンシズ NASA、SpaceX社とオービタル社と契約 三菱電機、オービタルサイエンス社からHTV用の通信システムを受注 シグナス宇宙船、NASAワロップス飛行施設に到着


    「大阪都構想」26年6月めどに協定書 法定協が初会合大阪府と大阪市が平成27年の実現を目指す大阪都構想で、具体的な制度設計を行うため都構想法に基づいて設置された法定協議会(法定協)の初会合が27日、府庁で開かれた。松井一郎知事や橋下徹大阪市長のほか、府市議会各会派の代表者ら計20人が参加し、大阪市の区割り案について協議, 社団法人・全日本コーヒー協会専務理事の西野豊秀氏が話す。26年6月をめどに協定書をまとめるスケジュール案が示された。自民党などから慎重意見が相次いでいるが、都構想実現に向けて第1歩を踏み出した。 法定協は大阪市を廃止して複数の特別区に再編する区域と名称▽「都」と各区の事務分担▽区間の税源配分や財政調整-など具体的な制度設計を盛り込んだ8項目の協定書を作成する。 この日の会合で、会長には浅田均府議会議長を、副会長には辻淳子市議会議長を選任。昨年11月に公募区長プロジェクトチームがまとめた4通りの区割り案をたたき台に最終案を絞り込み、26年6月までに協定書のとりまとめを目指すことを確認した。協定書は府市議会での議決を経て大阪市で住民投票にかけられ、有効投票の過半数の賛成が得られれば、特別区の設置と「大阪都」への移行が決まる。 < 前のページ12次のページ >,との見方もある;


    【東日本大震災2年】主将マークに「東北魂」 届けた勝利 なでしこの岩清水選手ポルトガルで行われているサッカー女子の国際親善大会「アルガルベ・カップ」。11日、1次リーグ最終戦でデンマークと対戦した日本代表「なでしこジャパン」の主将を務めたのは、岩手県滝沢村出身で、今も祖父母が同村に在住しているDF岩清水梓選手(26)だった。 試合前に黙祷がささげられたこの試合、岩清水選手の左腕には「東北魂」と手書きで記された主将を示す腕章が巻かれていた。「東北魂」は、いつも岩清水選手が自身のブログの末尾に書き添えている言葉だ。腕章の裏には「3・11 私たちは忘れない」の文字も, 元次長は2009年4月、両社の合併が公表される前にNECエレ株5千株を購入したなどとして起訴された。 今大会、佐々木則夫監督(54)は試合ごとに主将を代えていたが、震災当日となる11日の試合には岩清水選手を指名。「特別な日に国際試合があるのは偶然にしてもすごい。いいニュースを東北に届けられるように必ず勝つ」との思いを込めてピッチに立った。 一昨年のドイツワールドカップ(W杯)で優勝した際は「東北のみなさんへ」「いつも自分にできることを考えています」「共に歩もう! 東北魂!!」などのメッセージを記した日の丸をピッチで掲げた岩清水選手。常に被災地の復興支援を心に抱いて戦ってきた,人気のネットクリエイター大集合。 この日も前半17分に先制すると、ゴールを決めたMF川澄奈穂美選手(27)とともに腕章の「東北魂」の文字を指さしアピール。2対0で勝利後は「東北にいいニュースをと思っていたので、勝利を届けられてよかった」と話した。







    《レスポンス 河村兵衛》【関連記事】 欧州宇宙機関、2013年の展望 宇宙から見た地球…北極へのゲートウェイ[動画] ESA、宇宙から見た地球・水と氷のイメージを公開[動画] 観測衛星がとらえたスカンジナビアの雪 タクラマカン砂漠に降雪


    食べられるドラゴンボール!? ミニストップで映画「ドラゴンボールZ」タイアップ商品登場ドラゴンボールの世界観とフードメニューをフュージョン ねとらぼ  ミニストップは3月12日から、映画「ドラゴンボールZ 神と神」とタイアップした商品13品を順次発売する。スーパーサイヤ人の髪型を模したフライドポテト、ドラゴンボール型スナックなどが登場する。【拡大画像や他の画像:ポテトがスーパーサイヤ人の髪に,17221!】 12日に発売するのは「スーパーサイヤ人 Xフライドポテト」「ドラゴンボール ピザ玉」「魔人ブウのミルクプリン」「ピッコロ大魔王の抹茶ダブルシュー」「スプーンで食べるドラゴンボール」。フライドポテトは容器に悟空の顔が描かれ、ポテトが逆立った髪に見える仕掛け。ピザ玉はドラゴンボールをイメージし、星印が表面についている。ミルクプリンは上にのせたいちごクリームで魔人ブウの顔を再現するなど、どれも映画の世界観やキャラクターをモチーフにした商品に仕上がっている。 25日には、「悟空の如意棒スティックパン」「クリリンのホイップ&マロンクリームパン」、26日には「元気玉おにぎり」「一星球天津飯」「かめはめ飯」「7つの具材の焼そば」「亀仙流ロール」「ベジータのベジタブルサラダ」が発売される。特設ページも設けられている,iphone4 ケース =185センチ、68キロ、右投げ右打ち=の入団を発表した

    Montag, 11. März 2013

    ipad2 ケース おすすめ He said he is talking with the striking policemen

    Egypt's interior minister won't allow 'militias',モンクレールジャパン is how the recorded voice on the album ";

    CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt's interior minister on Sunday declared he would not allow vigilantes or militias to take over police duties, while admitting his police force has been strained by daily protests, clashes and criticism.

    Minister Mohammed Ibrahim was speaking a day after protesters rampaged through Cairo, furious over the acquittal of seven of nine police officers in a trial over soccer violence that left 74 people dead last year. Some 21 civilians received death sentences in the highly charged trial.

    Protesters torched a police club and the soccer federation headquarters Saturday. Hundreds of rioters battled police along the Nile river boulevard in an area packed with hotels and diplomatic missions. Two people were killed. The clashes along the river continued Sunday.

    There were also limited protests in Port Said, the Suez Canal city where the soccer stadium riot erupted in February 2012. The city was the scene of bloody clashes with police in the past week. They stopped this weekend after police evacuated their headquarters and the military took over.

    The unrest coincides with an unprecedented wave of strikes by police over demands for better working conditions, as well as anger over alleged attempts by President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood to take control of the police force.

    Ibrahim acknowledged that his force is under strain, but he insisted he will not allow vigilante groups to take over the duties of the force.

    "From the minister to the youngest recruit in the force, we will not accept to have militias in Egypt," Ibrahim said. "That will be only when we are totally dead, finished."

    His declaration followed a statement by a hard-line Islamist group that its members would take up policing duties in the southern province of Assiut because of strikes by local security forces. Lawmakers have raised the possibility of legalizing private security companies, granting them the right to arrest and detain.

    "There are groups of policemen on strike. I understand them,3673. They are protesting the pressure they are under, the attacks from the media," the minister said. "They work in hard conditions and exert everything they can and are not met with appreciation or thanks."

    Egypt's police and internal security forces are widely hated seen as a legacy of the rule of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, when they were notorious for abuses, torture and crackdowns on political opponents, including the Brotherhood.

    Ibrahim said the strike is minor and is not affecting the capabilities of the force,ipad2 ケース おすすめ. Instead, dragging the police into the political dispute between the opposition and the ruling Islamists is exhausting the force, he said.

    "I only ask all (political) forces to leave the police out of the political equation and the conflict that is taking place," Ibrahim said.

    He said he is talking with the striking policemen, who, he said are demanding better armament.

    He dismissed charges that the Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood is dictating his ministry's policies.

    "There is no interference by anyone in the work of the ministry. Rest assured," he told reporters.

    He said "infiltrators" among the protesters target police with live ammunition, birdshot and firebombs, to draw the force into using violence.

    In the country's Islamist-led Shura Council,セリーヌ サングラス, the upper house of the legislature,R4i Sdhc, members criticized the striking police, accusing them of dereliction of duty and allowing chaos to spread. One called for banning strikes by police, while another accused former regime officials of conspiring to undermine Morsi's rule and hold on power.

    "We are facing a very tight conspiracy that aims to destroy any legitimacy," said Hassan Youssef Abdel-Ghaffour of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party.

    Egypt's new constitution granted the Shura council temporary power to legislate following a court order disbanding the more powerful lower house last year,celine 財布 such as DeNA and Gree.

    Since late January, the country has been hit by relentless street protests, mainly directed against Morsi and the Brotherhood. The near-daily demonstrations have turned into clashes with police, and about 80 protesters have been killed since then.

    The political turmoil is deepened by a battered economy, as the government struggles with unemployment, poverty and dangerously shrinking foreign currency reserves. On Sunday, drivers of vans used for public transportation around Cairo went on strike because of rising prices of diesel fuel, briefly blocking main roads and causing huge traffic jams,モンクレール ダウン 2013.

    On Sunday, the U,フェンディ ポーチ.S. and Egypt signed a $190 million budget support agreement, pledged by U.S. State Secretary John Kerry during his visit last week.

    U.S. Ambassador Anne W. Patterson called the grant, the first installment on a planned $450 million in budget support, as "a down payment on Egypt's promising future."

    Egypt has also been negotiating with the International monetary Fund for a $4.8 billion loan, but the talks have been delayed because of the political turmoil.

    Patterson said that as Egypt works with the IMF on a program for economic stability, "we will continue to be there, as friends, to support your efforts with additional assistance," according to a statement by the U.S. Embassy.

    Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013

    sauce sister do is that suddenly stretched around the happy news. &quot

    Lily Rhodes Cooper, second children to be with the team for sauce fertility
    Lily Rhodes Cooper the birth of the second child.Between husband Sam Cooper was born 14 months after the major center, · Marie, lily, but on the 8 day (fire) the night into second children: the girl, with a Rhodes Cooper sauce.

    ◆ Lily Rhodes Cooper image
    Close to
    Lily relationship of British number, should ": the group, paper with paste really cute kids.Sam and Lily are one family great joy.The New Year vacation ended in January is a melancholy thing, major center, sauce sister do is that suddenly stretched around the happy news. ".

    that Lily recently, "this week's third degrees of Calais...The belly and "push delivery, promote the Calais many eating, husband Sam also, te RA music uses Lily delivery moment playlist, or do couples delivery expectations.[] Association reported Lily Rhodes Cooper, if feel pain to lily· Alan name change, is a new laboratory for rehabilitation, as a, Danish,: Lili · Alan Thanksgiving weekend of the first child born girl Lili · Alan, 2 wear wedding preparation lily· Alan, the singer activity stop, laboratory, already in the extreme performance?
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    to improve the desire

    Umika Kawashima, the 10 generation of the "woman" to improve the desire
    actress Umika Kawashima and actor Naohito Fujiki (18) (40) 12 days, attended in Tokyo in the film "theatrical full-time scarlet illusion" of the early days of stage greeting.

    [Photos] "woman"!

    titled, "this year to get" the spring wind disclosure test pen.The "Hunter" Kawashima woman force declaration, "this year is the 10 generation of the final test, so I would like to.Decorations and beautiful clothes, have recently, so...We all look forward to become women's effort.".

    in addition, the works of the first challenge seiyuu rattan "Hunter" puts forward the voice, "the first thing, quickly.There is a voice work, want ".Seiyuu industry shows enthusiasm.

    after the release of the second bullets start was published, seiyuu Namikawa Daisuke (36) "Mr. Fujiki actors do, is worthy of.Different roles is also good, so with the words "happy good bet.[] Association reported Naohito Fujiki, first seiyuu have bad price confusion "I look at where?"(13 years 01 months 08 days "Hunter" episode) unpublished jump published 10 years (November 27th 12) Naohito Fujiki, the villain training achievement of Takuya Kimura also..."Lonely!"(12 October 8th) Umika Kawashima, like the male type is "constellation" (December 23rd 12), Umika Kawashima, the life first wedding dress miniskirt posture show from Taoist makeovers (12 November 30th)
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    making it Nadon Shuo role named at the same time

    Chihiro Ki, Osaka Shochiku block 8 and a half years of TriumphThe 100 anniversary of the birth of the couple
    "good" and the famous Osaka writer, life story of Osaka Shochiku seat May Oda Kunosuke. "Music drama, we should" Danish Museum number (9 ~ 20) production will be released, in 12, in the city of Osaka Tennoji area edge Yan Temple (sulfate you held), starring actor, Chihiro Ki (26) who attended.

    "tall (1 m 78) suitable for black cloak", making it Nadon Shuo role named at the same time, he was born in Osaka, "feel shy with profound respect and humility, that in no.".This day, than in previous years (January 10th) the temple before and after the death of Bodhi Temple held a "good bogey's" participation "in love, as a writer of hot living man is handsome, try to show" performance swear.

    that support hands-on performance of the youth team Jinzhiyiqing (47).Last year the musical "Choral" also performed "the Japanese Johnny · Depp & Tim Burton called.The wild charm ", and its Hollywood good partner metaphor appeared.

    in Kansai after a lapse of 8 years is Johnny Jr in Osaka Shochiku. Age, "the world's first stood on the stage.Back home.Triumph.Early on the first day of the background odor key "wait.Related articles] [way, return a "peace of mind" stage music water Nakajima human as "kuroshitsuji", 3 years after the official comeback, stage drama "concentrate on the treatment of suspension" starring cast her in March, Koizumi Mayama play "in the future, as the actress Fujiyama Naomi," stage "seppuku nervous before the mood"
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    The ending is PUFFY

    JAY Z Baz, director Rachman's latest "gorgeous" as GATSBY music
    glamor award, the record company, chief executive officer of the rock,, and star also has a rock singer JAY Z, this year scheduled open Baz director Rachman's latest "gorgeous" for GATSBY music thing, RAP singer / composer, the number of twitter laboratory sport on the.

    JAY - Z to play music!The movie "the magnificent GATSBY" scene photos

    this thing number, laboratory sport, James · Samuel is the "JAY - Z and I are classical music movie" gorgeous "GATSBY music be full of go to work.Use the words can not express.!"And sing.

    American writer F Scott · Fitzgerald in 1925 penned the original "· GATSBY", so far in 1926, 1949, 1974, 2001 was the image of.One of the most famous works, Jack Clayton and director Robert · Redford, Mia Farrow · starring the "gorgeous GATSBY", the work is a clothing design, the Oscar Award "award.The story, 1920's New York's Long Island as a stage, young successful GATSBY and daughter Daisy by love, merciless social reality depicted in the works, one of the most evaluation of the novel in twentieth Century.

    so far Baz, director Rachman's movie "Romeo and Juliet", also the Shakespeare's classical works of picture and music unique fashionable method, because now also works with JAY Z number, laboratory their music play things, challenge the new classical works.The JAY - Z and number, laboratory their play music thing, but the years of Baz Rachman and to the (music play) composer Craig · Armstrong, now works as a composer credit has also because JAY Z, the new hire things, he continued to play music?Now where do not know.(a letter / Nobuhiro Hosoki)] and Beyonce Jay [Association reported - Z daughter blue · provide Polygonum tinctorium dimension of the trademark registration is not Lady Gaga and Prince "gorgeous" GATSBY music?Leonardo Dicaprio starred in the "GATSBY" gorgeous next May the public decision!Deviation from the next year Aus racing!The movie "I - with Noyes, social theme play!The ending is PUFFY!The JASRAC content of the telephone say gagaku performer twitter, investigation of the relationship between the JASRAC "in fact."
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    the January full of Asahi TV On air reservation

    Bump.y, a new further mix decision and release activity from the start of the week
    bump.y (moorhen P) new single "COSMO pupil] finally next week issued in January 16th.

    [Photos] other images of rich and colorful images!- Idol website IDOOOL

    new song "COSMO eyes", Kansai TV drama "bride agency last night in the beginning."(Songshan Mary starring / January 10, 2013) theme song, broadcast, and there is a joint decision.Asahi television pictures of Marshall (Nissin food series), and in January 13th, began broadcasting in TV Asahi attractions.

    Photos of Marshall, the famous photographer magazine · · · scene calendar intaglio portrait by adding enterprise commodity, the picture that doctors are not the unique world view to the advertising.The use of a large number of photos of 30 seconds, the photo is Nomura Makoto's play.The photos of Marshall, the January full of Asahi TV On air reservation, Asahi television pioneer, the January 12th NicoNico broadcast for the first time publicly scheduled.

    in addition, beginning in January 12th, began a new single "COSMO" for the issuance of commemorative activities began.The title song, Yokohama world, January 20th, throughout the mini concert, shaking hands will be held.Dates and places, such as the official website details check.

    ■ bump.y "COSMO" MV (Short ver pupil.)
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    lovers one's pupils do not turn.&lt

    [CM] popularity charts 8 center, Institute of Battle Museum - AKB48Comprehensive study of
    CM's 2012 annual CM liking TOP10.8, the social network service ", GREE (paper)" list.Live is 10000 9735, 8251 varieties of statistical object in the most records.Social games, social media Xinglong impression.The popular game "AKB48 stage warrior" advertising, member of idol group AKB48's earnest facial expression, lovers one's pupils do not turn.< the previous page next page > 123;
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    and finally studies

    Tokyo Auto Salon 13] [Toyota has Zhi Chao small car development, on the market as goal
    Toyota technology ", you know.Now the Toyota manufacturing automobile has gathered the sense of crisis about tenth years to recruit 17 employees spontaneous, gave birth to the team, the company to develop cooperation on subcompact in the first half of.The Tokyo Auto Salon disclosure.


    "MUNIT - S (Michiru the - s)" was named the car in front of the 2 round, after a person take the reversal of metal.The total length of 2.5 meters, the width 1.3 m "water" hybrid system and Yamaha engine motorcycle, "WR 250 R" engine fusion.

    40 mm space chain drive shafts are mutually connected, shallow ECU motorcycle engine operation.Single cylinder engine and motor series of new development of parallel hybrid system, until now no consider car.

    "subcompact car, so the top speed of 80 kilometers can not, however, based on the hybrid vehicle is usually better than the acceleration sensation.Driving the car very happy.Moreover, the burden on users, a little booger. Such a thing, do not like the exhaust volume and 250 ml of control.The first is easy to enjoy."There is a person that.

    pay special attention to the design, back to.That's when driving, more around the car back to see.In addition, the safety car, careful attention, force.In the future, and the completion of the increase, the company proposed plan, eventually the market hope.About the price of light vehicle targets below.

    this day, visited the company's booth, Akiotoyoda president also look like, immediately sat, accept acknowledgment.Then, "once" test track side excited side that occurred after the story.The near future, the car running in the street scene to see day is coming.

    "response" [Yamada Kiyoshi] [news] Association reported than watch a little light "supermini" may also be reasonable traffic "and finally studies, like the subcompact is considered necessary to"...Toyota President body net Gang subcompact different industry access...Toyota Auto Union president "fair environment is important." [summary] subcompact car, business opportunities to visit the company...Market formed a formal Tokyo automatic salon news editor
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    last year &quot

    "New adult > Juli, suddenly the and so on young actress to. First a row, AKB potential refers to the original 17
    adult day (14 days) before April 92 ~ new adult was born in March 93 years of attention in.Adult (born 92 years, 1 days now, Ministry of internal affairs investigation) 120000 people (male 630000, female 590000) for 5 consecutive years the least updated roughly the same number of last year, but from the performing arts sector is Juli color bud and Mr. Na Shiori and others focus on young actress rows, model and singer. The first -- first San will usher in 20 years.Sports women table tennis player Ishikawa Kasumi, football players, Usami Takashi's palace city bright, the future is expected to focus on active young people crowded.(Daily News Digital)
    The new adult
    [Photos] special attention
    showbiz is substantial actress lineup.And suddenly that Mr. Juli headed by Mr., miss Riko Narumi, like Mr Sakuraba Nanami, has been in the TV series and movies attract sb.'s attention a long active young actress.Ishihashi Anna, under the mountain, Mr. Rio, Mr. Kasumi arimura, miss Adachi Rika, Mr. Honda Tsubasa and other new adult.Actor in Venice International Film Festival for the first time, with the Japanese team example, with, as, the award (best new actor award) Mr. Someya Masata and "Kamen Rider W" such as Mr Kanda Masa and others will likely name.

    "Warring States" idol circles also new adult was born in succession.As AKB48 group, HKT 48 AKB48, Mr. Rino Sashihara, Mr. Fung south shore, SKE48 Yokoyama Yui, Mr. Agata Miki, Mr. Oki Soshiori, Nana NMB48 Mr. Yamada, Fukumoto Ainakuwa and so on 17 people in the adult type.On the other hand, "Berryz studio" summer burning elegant gentleman, Mr. Sudo Maya, miss Tokunaga Ichinami, singer Mr. Yoshikawa Tomo, the original "morning musume."Mr. Kuju Koharu and aika Mitsui, "idle!!!" the three house of Mr. Hitomi, orange beauty. Mr Ka, 9nine and "9" of the West Xiecai Mr. Hua, formal match "AKB48 nogizaka 46" white stone linen and Mr. Hashimoto Nanami and other new adult.In addition, ah Mr. Mizuno Erina -- "the first girl combination first San, actress active FLOWER" is also on this year ushered in 20 years.

    the world of sport, the London Olympic Games, table tennis women's team headed by Ishikawa's silver medal in women's gymnastics, the point of · Tsurumi rainbow children athletes and women in weightlifting athletes Yagi realize Olympic athletes are arranged, in football, Usami's palace city occupation baseball players, Yokohama coach DeNA · Mr. Takagi's second son Takagi Yoshiro Holland active players, women's football players new adult Izu Mana.

    occupation baseball giants, palace Guoliang Cheng pitcher, Kobe · one two three cautious too fielder, Softbank · hill and Fei Shao catcher, antelope (born, Jun too = Gotou Toshita) fielder are looking forward to the people side by side.In addition, other than high wood's football occupation, wrestlers, the late Mr. Hashimoto Shinya's eldest son "destroy" the prince of the land occupation wrestler Hashimoto players and JRA rider Yokoyama Norihiro rider father Yokoyama Kazuki (Ka:,) rider, famous sports player "boy" who was born in 92 years.Entertainment, sports at the same time, members of the rich and colorful in the future is expected to.The new adult ranks their future active attention.] [Association report < last year "new adult: AKB48 is a former Tian, Ino miori Takimoto, Kaho Ishikawa Ryo, a member of rich and colorful male magnitude 13 years concern Idol: position also black is?The period of January on TV: melee figure?Michelin tail "is the" Juli color bud...13 years: popular novels have recommended the film reality of Studio Ghibli works 2 also discloses Cosplay ranking: the highest "Hatsune Miku" and "Dragon Ball" Frisa also
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    the member selection featured on the album &quot

    PENICILLIN· CHISATO selected V collection "BRAND disk NEW WAVE."
    form 20 anniversary of 2012, ushered in the PENICILLIN.And in 2013 member CHISATO (Guitar)'s solo project "Crack 6" form 10 anniversary year.The band's skeleton and scene, a young band have been respected Qiansheng, visual Kei band hyperchromic, should its strong concern lock taste band was selection CD NEW BRAND WAVE "first" issued in March 13th.

    CHISATO assembled a band, WING WORKS, Black Gene, the Next Scene exile love, Lycaon, OZ, Sel 'm, RUVISH, EAT YOU ALIVE, a line, Megaromania, Annie' s Black and Clank new visual 11 group full of youthful spirit.The album, they also included 11 new songs, in addition, thousands of St. solo song "KICK!"Special edition covers a predetermined.In addition, this
    Details of
    selection CD, will be published.[] Association reported the official website of PENICILLIN PENICILLIN, the member selection featured on the album "PHOENIX STAR" offer [concert] PENICILLIN report, 20 years of the fetters of the proof of PENICILLIN music, the best dish "romantic lovers (20th version)" also included PENICILLIN, since the main mark to finally album
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    the industry's amazing creative with Congress

    Tuna hall spread of the "dream" business student competition
    the northeast as the center of the National University 650 people to use intelligent mobile phone marketing competitive business game "Fourth" test "(group applim, rehabilitation and)" final was held in Tokyo in the.The actual existence of enterprise idea of their respective services published, advertising, marketing industry to the examiners feel.The game is the fourth host student group "applim", this is the "digital × real experience" as the theme of the 160 teams to participate in.Qualifying win 6 Final demonstration stage, creative and feasible 6 race.The results of the review, Mr. Okuyama Takudou (Sophia University 2 years) led the team "New Asia, most outstanding award,".The New Asia, is envisaged, fast food shops.Children intelligent mobile phone hamburger meal lift, packing paper after the reaction, the screen fries the rocket launch, dream AR (augmented reality) service.The entrepreneurship support inspector Mr. Akawa Yuji "high finish the story.Across ethnic and national boundaries, the world also praised the general ".Excellence Award, chosen Mr. Yoshida Yuki (Waseda University 3) led the drafting "idea is" sushi shop.Children intelligent mobile phone application NETA original pinch sushi and sushi, provide the actual store service published.Family reunion to be evaluated, "Japanese Microsoft Award" and the "proxy" award.Three award-winning Yoshida said: "good idea and technology coincidence caused team proud smile".In addition, the industry's amazing creative with Congress, the Dentsu CM planners, Mr Sawamoto Kako said: "the room is also provided.Evaluation we focus or horrible feeling that students are not. ".Software bank mobile "Dad personally" students series of best-selling manufacturer issued a "review of blasting hanging that idea," Hope Project passion burning.(produced by the application of star)
    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013

    Internet Radio &quot

    "Have" Hasegawa Akiko radio show will start again!
    "THE idol master" Hoshi I equal role voice actor, singer activities "have" Hasegawa Akiko solo host free radio program began in January 9, 2013, "Hasegawa Akiko Bright Dreams" start again!

    [other photos] "Hasegawa Akiko Bright Dreams" included in the figure

    dear guests will come on the stage, the convey angle and seiyuu unique planning counter rich content "become" Hasegawa Akiko Bright Dreams".The staff of the program information and guest information so test have program official twitter and new (account @ Hasegawa _ radio), twitter linking push the actor was not a regular with the letter (twitcasting. TV / Hasegawa radio / _), so if anyone in mind please do not forget to check.

    show detailed information, as well as the (Hibiki - radio. JP / description / akky) please refer to!


    the "Hasegawa Akiko Bright Dreams"

    ★ first January 9, 2013 radio guest: no

    began January 9, 2013 "Hasegawa Akiko Bright Dreams" start value team update.Also take on an altogether new aspect, should be the new column planning listeners greater raise!The new year began to play.1 / 9 with the letter of the first 1 / 16 released second guests, no ordinary message center, have talk leisurely send.

    the radio station every Wednesday with the letter
    Moderator: Hasegawa Akiko

    program detail page
    ⇒ Hibiki - radio. JP / description / akky [spin off] Association reported "with Elmar".The animation!Theme released!Hasegawa Akiko's 5 single "miracle of solidarity!"& a wrote to cover!"Re: animation" 4 "THE idol master" 3 seiyuu in decision!Internet Radio "Radio Hasegawa Akiko Simply manager" Minamiri Youka guests on stage!Singer · Hasegawa Akiko's memorable first step LIVE DVD included!
    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    at have an&quot

    Cesar Portillo de la Luz "Legend of the at an" column [] have at an everybody have the unknown source of the first CD
    at an everybody have the unknown source of the first CD

    2012 world music · angle relief raise a Babel of criticism of topic in a "at have an", is a species should not be referred to as the trend of Cuban music.In 2007 published "at an have, Ni, birth" following "at the have an true" and "",,, Ni "2 works of Fu Yang eyes, up to now have an at difficult now catch the real appearance, general music fans also know as.Rumba and son among the Cuban music style to draw a line, · · nut; gold; Cole contemporary American music from the effects of strong color of Moody music, usually the music of Cuba not intimate audience receive support thing, really quiet.Cognitive gradually expanded.

    the at have an understanding further, concerned about 2 titles to be released., suitable for those suitable for "at the have,,, suitable for Jos é · Antonio tied the two at have an master, considered nut · · gold; Cole from center have, as have, finally Christina · Aguilera also sings the" Contigo en la Distancia ", the author has also been know.However left recordings also rarely, proceed with difficult situation continued.The central monkey "Legends of the have an" before the release at the · group Cuban agency source investigation commission, new music, the 22 song collection of such large projects.Orchestral back by singing tune, this is "at the have an" should be urban poetry is full of good, but it is worth noting that included music for the guitar solo, but no matter how, known as at an have as have Cuban guitar solo music traditional root deep pedicle fixation.A thing of such things, stretch came.

    at an circles have the highest guitarist niko· live album also on sale at the same time.This is the guitar solo album, "at have an" melodic and harmonic feeling important works also know that.

    Misaki Sato Yoshihito of / of article of Guangdong No. 101 published reports [] Association) [] Bobo Stenson Trio column "Indicum" column [] Andre · Padua "J.S Bach: the golden suitable for variations' column] [Mark · love -- in Japan first disclosed skiing mass ha minor" and "unfinished [column] commmons: schola: Traditional Music in Africa, 11] [column CARPE DIEM
    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    said &quot

    Ann Megumi, on viral enteritis...Physical change in the middle of the night
    Ann Megumi, viral enteritis fell out of official blog.

    depreciation 10 days midday update, "in fact, the night before, physical condition is not good, go to the hospital when the virus enteritis" report.9 days of rest, thanks to improved, said "today also do not drive, through", rest as revealed.

    virus enteritis, including Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis.Blog accounts to depreciate Norwalk-like virus does not seem to be myself, "pop.Therefore, we should pay attention to Oh ", call FANS.(editorial, Futian Li) [] Ann Association reported the official Megumi blog viral gastroenteritis Mr.Children Suzuki, show off...Network write sorry Osero Pine Island, bad health blog endless conveying Anxi kinds of emergency engineering, now in their nursing -- have have, bad health...The possibility of Norwalk-like virus
    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    ongoing new making things clear.

    Justin Tim Black stage a comeback that music
    Boys· in · group, Essie member debut, as solo, 6 glamor award, Oscar award in 3 departments. "Social network" has also performed as an actor, also its presence was Justin Tim Black, about 8 years of Shen Mo breakthrough musical return to the hint video discloses.

    the official website has published "I 'm Ready" of about 1 minutes of music image, idea, present situation and future state of mind as an artist, he has image finally entering the recording studio of his photos.The United States magazine "GQ" the latest Beyonce in the interview, she and Justin recordings were made public, ongoing new making things clear.

    Tim and Black "Thursday, January tenth, 2013 at 9: 01 PST..." this information in their twitter tweet, official website is concomitant with the countdown was started.

    the "Justin Timberlake - I m Ready." '

    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    Miyagi Prefecture held September 16

    BRAHMAN new AIR JAM [], "1 days to live."
    in February 20th, after about 5 years of the original album "overcome" issue of BRAHMAN.Now works first print limited disk with DVD included content exposure.

    the DVD, Miyagi Prefecture held September 16, 2012 [2012] AIR JAM second BRAHMAN stage show the whole collection."Only one day today, in order to survive, to BRAHMAN" TOSHILOW (VO) rave scene cut, overwhelming roar played promising all 12 songs, plus "from that day until today, few times also cry" pressing the MC far.The day everything happened.Be included.In addition, the bonus truck, the center of an oversight of the latest MV "initial impulse", Ashizawa "" "illustrations became the topic of MV" alert "also included.

    in addition, album "overcome" analog disc also released.This is in the 12inch simulation disc paper cover specifications, only original enclosed preferential payment.Limited production, so I want to start with the person who is really an appointment.

    and, "overcome" (trailer video
    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    the intergalactic space&quot

    "Space Battleship Yamato 2199 chapter fifth April 13th release
    the "Space Battleship Yamato 2199" chapter fifth "the intergalactic space" beginning in April 13th released

    2013 April TV began to determine "Space Battleship Yamato", the 2199 released at the same time activity has also been to continue.TV play together, the fifteenth words from 18 until 4 words constitute the fifth chapter "the intergalactic space", began in April 13th 12 National Museum activities released starting something was published.
    release is fifteenth words, "returned a limit," sixteenth words "future options," seventeenth words "sleep time language", eighteenth the words "balance star break operations".About 100 minutes of predetermined length.

    other photos

    in the fifth chapter, will suitable for planning trap challenges and big and the crew's active depicted.Large and fleet breakthrough, the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy.In the cinema the excited and enthusiastic.
    the works the first chapter 26 book set a closing, finally to the climax to move forward.

    activity released, it's all the same number of defined theatre edition first sale will be held.Theater Watch, only to be sold the theatre.May 28th sale general sale did not draw storyboards set bonus features.Price including tax 9000 yen, purchase method is the theater site confirmation.
    General Distribution BD included 8190 yen, DVD included seven thousand one hundred and forty yen, as a bonus booklet and Mr. Izu Hiro and Mr. Bai Yuanman talks, audio commentary to be included.General sale in February 22nd fourth chapter "Galactic border defense" has also been close to.

    "Space Battleship Yamato 2199."

    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    the United States of America ~ We are all right

    Dust (natural enemy P) × sentimental vector, transfer of time watching should
    a world view of novels, comics, music and spread out (a natural enemy of P) and sad vector, each representing the song cover together with each other, the respective NICONICO animation account that animation contributors to the new attempt were published street.Then, in January 9th two group Nico live talk interview realizes.

    the dust (natural enemy P) × emotion vector image

    < [×] openly sentimental dust; vector WEB interview ~ mayfly deizu "and" Ya "which is the common ground - > on the radio, watching the maximum number of over, invisible to the user have the kind of attention degree.Although users live more than 30000 viewers gathered.Personal characters also imminent dialogue from both participate in the compilation album "IA / 02 - COLOR, dust (a natural enemy of P) new" the United States of America ~ We are all right!~ "and, sad vector new flower drop feat. IA" was publicly for the first time.But not for real-time viewing user, NicoNico broadcast time transfer audio-visual may, so check it recommended.

    in addition, student broadcasting, tells the story of the common points and two music production characteristics, media's view, the end of the 2 issue of the VOCALOID plus spin off· mucc Age ("Trickster de bookstore)" was published by deciding.

    the broadcast page (NicoNico) URL
    dust (natural enemy P)
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    Montag, 7. Januar 2013

    防衛省、予算1千億円上積みへ 中国軍拡念頭に態勢強化

    防衛省、予算1千億円上積みへ 中国軍拡念頭に態勢強化


     安倍内閣は、民主党政権で10年末に策定された防衛計画の大綱を見直す方針。防衛省は現大綱の「人件費削減」などの見直しを今年中に終え、14年度予算に反映させる予定だ。小野寺五典防衛相は13年度も「大綱見直しを前提に予算を検討する」と表明。見直しを先取りする形で人員を増やし、14年度以降の人員増につなげたい考えだ。朝日新聞社【関連記事】 中国軍艦4隻、一時接続水域に 与那国島沖 防衛省 復興予算、防衛省が風呂や食堂に 維新、予算委で追及へ 公共事業2兆円超 補正予算案、総額10兆円規模に 新年度予算案「1月中に」 首相、原発新設容認は修正 「村山談話」引き継ぎ、未来志向の談話を 菅官房長官
    fdhsjfhdjksfdsfjjRelated articles:


    巨人で10年、大リーグで10年。日米を代表する希代のホームランバッターが、節目の年に重い決断を下した。国内復帰の待望論も渦巻く中で38歳が選んだのは、現役生活に終止符を打つという最後の選択肢だった。 日米で刻んだ通算本塁打数は507本。松井といえば豪快な本塁打が代名詞だが、本人は何よりも「試合に出る」ことにこだわり続けた。2006年のヤンキース時代、試合中に左手首を骨折したことによって途切れるまで、日米通算1768試合に連続出場した。 一方で、故障には悩まされ続けた。両ひざを相次ぎ故障したことは、走力も求められる外野手としては致命的だった。大リーグでは指名打者の出場も多かったが、外野手としての出場にこだわり、最後までボールを追う姿は印象的だった。 ボールを遠くに飛ばす天賦(てんぷ)の才能はもちろんだが、「努力の人」でもあった。巨人で若手時代を過ごしたジャイアンツ寮(川崎市)にある通称「松井部屋」。そこには、素振りを繰り返したことですり切れた畳が残され、新人選手入寮の際は見学するのが恒例行事となっている。言いも知れぬ努力の積み重ねが、スラッガーとしての根幹にはあった。 「苦しみやつらさこそが、生きている証しではないでしょうか。僕は、生きる力とは、成功を続ける力ではなく、失敗や困難を乗り越える力だと考えます」 自身の著書「不動心」(新潮新書)ではそう説いていた松井。苦難に満ちた野球人生だったが、それを受け入れ、力に変えてきたのも、「松井秀喜」という男の美学だった。(浅野英介)【産経新聞号外】松井秀喜 引退表明[PDF]
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    【外信コラム】赤の広場で 冬→ウオツカ→自殺?

    【外信コラム】赤の広場で 冬→ウオツカ→自殺?
    日本の自殺率の高さは大きな社会問題だが、ロシアでも状況は深刻だ。国営の研究所によると、昨年のロシアで自ら命を絶ったのは3万566人。人口10万人あたりの年間自殺者は21人超にのぼり、韓国や日本などとともに最も自殺率が高い部類に入る。 ソ連崩壊後の混乱期からみれば全体的な経済事情は好転しており、自殺者数も1990年代のピークから減少している。それでもなお自殺が多い理由には、日常生活で強いられるロシア社会特有の緊張や、精神科で受診することへの人々の抵抗感が挙げられている。 さらに、多くの専門家が指摘するのはロシアの“国民病”であるアルコール依存だ。酒は飲んでいるときには気持ちいいが、飲み過ぎようものなら、翌朝になって妙に沈鬱な気分になるものだ。アルコールのこうした負の作用が、自暴自棄をもたらしかねないのだという。 この意味で、ロシアの長い冬は要注意だ。日が短いために気持ちも暗くなりがちで、娯楽は少ない。外は氷点下の雪道だから、ついつい外出もおっくうになる。家にこもり、テレビを前に鬱々と酒を飲んでしまう人が少なくないのだ。 モスクワの街もすっかり雪化粧した。健康管理に気を付け、厳しい冬を乗り切りたい。(遠藤良介)
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    【男子ゴルフ】藤田寛之、同組・谷口がぼやくショットの切れ 初日は「120点の出来」

    【男子ゴルフ】藤田寛之、同組・谷口がぼやくショットの切れ 初日は「120点の出来」
    賞金王を争う同組の谷口が舌を巻く。「何回も一緒に回っているけど、あんなすごい藤田を見たのは初めて。ハーフで帰りたい気分だったよ」とぼやくしかなかった。 大会レコードに並ぶ61を出されては、当然かもしれない。パーオンできなかったのは4番の1回だけ。それほど、藤田のショットは切れていた。パッティングも出だしの1番(パー4)で2メートルのバーディーパットを外して「おやっ」と思わせたが、2番(パー3)、12番(パー4)でともに13メートルの長いバーディーパットを決めるなど「先週まで右に開くストロークになっていた」のがきっちり修正されていた。今週替えたパターも奏功し「ノーミス」と自ら納得した。 特に、6番(パー5)ではフェアウエーから残り247ヤードの第2打をピン左3メートルにつけてイーグルを取り、ショット、パッティングともにかみ合ったゴルフを披露し、「一気に勢いが付いた」。終わってみれば2位に3打差がついた。 賞金王だけでなく、尾崎将司も青木功も成し遂げていない「前人未到の(大会)3連勝という目標を設定」(藤田)したが、それさえ難なくクリアできそうな「120点のスタート」である。 それでも、慢心はない。「結果は終わらないと分からない。(初日で)決まったとはみじんも思っていない。確実に第1集団を維持しないといけない」。まずは足元を見つめた。(松本恵司)
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    面白く・楽しく・明るく・強く・鋭く! 「大みそかにハワイから帰って来ました」 2013年最初の当番デスクは、年末から元日まで正月休みだったビヤ樽三木建次です。 「お土産がありますから食べてくださいね」。リッチだね、と思いつつそのお土産をみると「せんべい」です。ハワイ土産が煎餅? 「温泉三昧でしたよ。初日はセキガネ、2日目はハワイ…のんびりしてきました」 あ、そっちのハワイ(羽合)ね。夫人のせつさんの実家、鳥取・倉吉に帰省して、関金温泉や羽合温泉で連日朝風呂、昼風呂を楽しんで来たのです。道理で日焼けしてないと思った。温泉の効能のせいか肌はツルツル、そして体形はなぜか丸くなっております。 「鳥取は、雑煮がおすましでもみそ仕立てでもなく、ぜんざいなんですよ。餅を食べて、さらにアンコをいっぱい食べているようなものだったので、お腹が…」 そのため、元日は大阪・福島区の自宅から中之島公園まで片道約25分かけて散歩に出かけ、到着した公園内でもウオーキング。ぜんざいでふくらんだ“アンコ腹”をひっこめようと必死です。 そんなビヤ樽の自主トレではなく、さわやかな新人選手の本当のトレーニングのお話を。2日はD6位・緒方凌介外野手(東洋大)が大阪・東住吉区の長居公園で自主トレを公開しました。< 前のページ123次のページ >
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    この日ソウル市内のホテルで開かれたサムスングループ新年祝賀会に参加した尹富根(ユン・ブグン)消費者家電担当社長は、「まだLG製品に対する分析はできていないが、自信があるから出したのではないか。(サムスンのOLEDテレビの品質は)後で見守ればわかることになるだろう」と話した。【関連記事】 日本メディアも認めた世界最高の韓国の次世代テレビ <CES>サムスン・LG、スマートテレビ分野で大攻勢 韓国テレビ、米国市場で日本ビッグ4との差を広げる 女優キム・テヒ、久しぶりに韓国のテレビに出演! LGは3DとグーグルTV、ソニーはクリスタルLEDテレビで巻き返しへ
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    対日投資が金融に拡大 台湾の進出、協定が後押し

    対日投資が金融に拡大 台湾の進出、協定が後押し





     中国信託は中国本土や香港などにも拠点を展開しており、市場規模の大きな日本への進出は「大陸とのバランス上もありうる選択肢」(財界関係者)と受け止められている。【関連記事】 台湾大手銀、東京スター銀買収検討 実現なら初の邦銀買収に シャープを揺さぶる台湾の「ジンギスカン」 中韓台頭…色あせる日本の優位 実利狙い「冷水」と「厚遇」 対日投資20年に35兆円、政府が倍増目標 巨大メディアのドン…尖閣への台湾漁船団を支援した実業家 3本の矢に命運託す
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    [ワシントン 18日 ロイター] リビア東部ベンガジの米総領事館が襲撃された事件に関する独立調査委員会は18日、米国務省に組織的な過失があり、同総領事館の安全対策が不十分だったとする報告書をまとめた。




    9月11日に発生した襲撃事件では、スティーブンス駐リビア大使と3人の大使館職員がロケット弾攻撃で死亡した。【関連記事】 リビア旧政権派拠点のバニワリード、政府軍が中心部を制圧 オバマ米大統領、リビアの米領事館襲撃の責任認める 米領事館襲撃、発端はイスラム教預言者の「冒涜」映像 米領事館襲撃、オバマ大統領がリビア議長と調査協力で合意 西側とイスラム諸国で反応に温度差、駐リビア米大使殺害めぐり
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    (12月25日付 日本経済新聞 朝刊5面)








    若槻 基文さん
    経済ライター。大学卒業後、編集制作会社を経て独立。経済・金融・金銭教育の分野を中心に、小学生向けからシニア向けまでさまざまなコンテンツ執筆を手掛けている。オフィステクスト代表取締役。2歳の長男をこよなく愛するイクメンの顔も。著書に『小学校で習った算数で「経済」がスッキリわかる!』(青春出版社)、『手にとるように経済がわかる本』(かんき出版)など【関連記事】 自民「大胆な金融緩和」で景気はどうなる? 選挙でどうなる?法人税減税にも注目! 日本メーカーの底力!「炭素繊維」って? 「日本取引所グループ」発足の背景とは? 衆院選でニッポンはどう変わる?!
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