Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013

at have an&quot

Cesar Portillo de la Luz "Legend of the at an" column [] have at an everybody have the unknown source of the first CD
at an everybody have the unknown source of the first CD

2012 world music · angle relief raise a Babel of criticism of topic in a "at have an", is a species should not be referred to as the trend of Cuban music.In 2007 published "at an have, Ni, birth" following "at the have an true" and "",,, Ni "2 works of Fu Yang eyes, up to now have an at difficult now catch the real appearance, general music fans also know as.Rumba and son among the Cuban music style to draw a line, · · nut; gold; Cole contemporary American music from the effects of strong color of Moody music, usually the music of Cuba not intimate audience receive support thing, really quiet.Cognitive gradually expanded.

the at have an understanding further, concerned about 2 titles to be released., suitable for those suitable for "at the have,,, suitable for Jos é · Antonio tied the two at have an master, considered nut · · gold; Cole from center have, as have, finally Christina · Aguilera also sings the" Contigo en la Distancia ", the author has also been know.However left recordings also rarely, proceed with difficult situation continued.The central monkey "Legends of the have an" before the release at the · group Cuban agency source investigation commission, new music, the 22 song collection of such large projects.Orchestral back by singing tune, this is "at the have an" should be urban poetry is full of good, but it is worth noting that included music for the guitar solo, but no matter how, known as at an have as have Cuban guitar solo music traditional root deep pedicle fixation.A thing of such things, stretch came.

at an circles have the highest guitarist niko· live album also on sale at the same time.This is the guitar solo album, "at have an" melodic and harmonic feeling important works also know that.

Misaki Sato Yoshihito of / of article of Guangdong No. 101 published reports [] Association) [] Bobo Stenson Trio column "Indicum" column [] Andre · Padua "J.S Bach: the golden suitable for variations' column] [Mark · love -- in Japan first disclosed skiing mass ha minor" and "unfinished [column] commmons: schola: Traditional Music in Africa, 11] [column CARPE DIEM
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